yVaults v3 Contract Addresses
Core Contract Addresses
Core contracts are the base generic contracts that can be used by anyone who wants to build on v3 yVaults .
Deployments are done using create2 factories and should be stable across all EVM chains the protocol has been deployed on.
Version 3.0.2
- Vault original :
- VaultFactory :
- TokenizedStrategy :
Version 3.0.1
- Vault ERC-5202 BluePrint:
- VaultFactory:
- TokenizedStrategy:
Periphery Contracts
A list of the deployed v3 yVault system contracts. To find individual vaults, use the V3 Registry or refer to https://yearn.fi
Protocol Address Provider
All generic periphery contracts and factories can be retrieved on chain from the Address Provider: 0x1e9778aAD41Aa3E0884C276fB4C2D03C4036Aa0B
Identity | Address |
V3 Registry | 0xff31A1B020c868F6eA3f61Eb953344920EeCA3af |
Release Registry | 0x990089173D5d5287c344092Be0bB37950A67d17B |
Report Trigger | 0xD98C652f02E7B987e0C258a43BCa9999DF5078cF |
APR Oracle | 0x27aD2fFc74F74Ed27e1C0A19F1858dD0963277aE |
4626 Router | 0x1112dbCF805682e828606f74AB717abf4b4FD8DE |
Protocol Address Provider | 0x1e9778aAD41Aa3E0884C276fB4C2D03C4036Aa0B |
For more information on the periphery contracts visit the Periphery section.