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yVaults v3 Contract Addresses

Core Contract Addresses

Core contracts are the base generic contracts that can be used by anyone who wants to build on v3 yVaults .


Deployments are done using create2 factories and should be stable across all EVM chains the protocol has been deployed on.

Version 3.0.2

Version 3.0.1

Periphery Contracts

A list of the deployed v3 yVault system contracts. To find individual vaults, use the V3 Registry or refer to

Protocol Address Provider

All generic periphery contracts and factories can be retrieved on chain from the Address Provider: 0x1e9778aAD41Aa3E0884C276fB4C2D03C4036Aa0B

V3 Registry0xff31A1B020c868F6eA3f61Eb953344920EeCA3af
Release Registry0x990089173D5d5287c344092Be0bB37950A67d17B
Report Trigger0xD98C652f02E7B987e0C258a43BCa9999DF5078cF
APR Oracle0x27aD2fFc74F74Ed27e1C0A19F1858dD0963277aE
4626 Router0x1112dbCF805682e828606f74AB717abf4b4FD8DE
Protocol Address Provider0x1e9778aAD41Aa3E0884C276fB4C2D03C4036Aa0B

For more information on the periphery contracts visit the Periphery section.